Around the House

Saturdays from 7-9 AM
News Talk 98.7 WOKI

Around the House is a 20 Year old talk show that focuses on home improvement tips and advice for all things “Around the House”.

Your Host, Scott Brockamp of His Security & Technology, has worked with contractors in new construction and remodeling for more than 25 years.

Join us as we host LOCAL professionals to discuss projects and pitfalls, and receive expert advice for doing your projects “Around the House”.

The show line is always open for your questions and comments at 865-656-8255. You can call or text your questions into the show for our host or guests to help provide answers for your next project.

We will also be focusing on our LOCAL communities by talking with local organizations that many of our homes and businesses support. Just like we do Around MY House, we will talk about what we are going to do and where we are going to go for the weekend or weeks ahead.

Around the House wants to be your weekend source to all that’s happening in our LOCAL communities and Around your House!

Please tune in Saturdays from 7-9 am on News Talk 98.7 WOKI!

Want to be a featured guest on Around the House? Have questions or comments? Please email us at